Category: local news

The changing landscape of television lead-ins

Here’s an interesting article from the CNN Money website about television advertising and the ways it has changed in the last 15 years (more or less). Indeed, the increasing use of DVRs and the rising popularity of streaming services like Roku and Hulu, have upended the very model that I learned when I was a television agent in the 1990s. No longer can networks rely on a show’s viewership to introduce new series and promote upcoming content.

One way it hasn’t changed as much is the desire for late-night programs that may lead into the next day’s offerings. Back in the day, Jay Leno was essential to The Today Show’s leadership in morning talk, and added pressure to ABC to abandon Nightline in favor of Jimmy Kimmel. And also explains why local late news is vital, as well. But this quote misses a larger point:

“Due to audience fragmentation, there aren’t many series that generate the kind of massive lead-in that virtually ensures sampling for new shows that follow them. CBS’ “The Big Bang Theory” and NBC’s singing competition “The Voice” are among the few that produce a big enough audience to help incubate newly hatched programs.”

The point being, it emphasizes the increasing value of unique, live event programming that encourage sampling. In particular, sporting championships like the Super Bowl and NCAA Basketball and Football Finals, will continue to generate huge rights’ deals, and explain why the programs following such events are seen as the most important to a network.

So, the next time you are watching the World Series, The Oscars, or any other popular live event, pay attention to what immediately follows – it will be a undeniable indication of that network’s priorities. And should also help explain why the deals for such events will continue to grow in dollar value.

Will newspapers become the TV networks of the internet?

The great thing about getting the many email newsletters everyday about what’s happening in the world of digital media is that it always seems to spark a thought that becomes a post for this website. And today, I read this AdAge article about newspapers consolidating as a means of survival in this new age of publishing.

It feels to me a lot like how the Big Three (or four) networks acquired numerous local television stations to be their distributors to the local markets. We have KABC, KCBS, and KNBC in Los Angeles. There’s WABC in New York, and so on. But are newspapers collecting the smaller fish in a particular market to establish a foothold and expand their audience?

It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the coming months and years. Where do you go for local news? I know that most television stations have sites with it available, but when a small newspaper can no longer survive financially, can the likes of the LA Times or Washington Post provide a home that will preserve its unique identity, but also benefit from the parent entity’s reputation?